So it've been one month and a half that I started school again, and I can say that it's a little bit better and easier because I can now understand and speak and okay danish. I still feel quite useless in class, especially in team works (they are always in team work, urgh).
I'm realizing now how many things have happened in this month and a half, particularly the newbies arrival (I love my newbies) and my mini exchange(miniophold) week in Snedsted.
The day after I came back from Italy, my family took me to Skagen and Læsø. Skagen is the northernmost point of Denmark and it's special because you can see the Baltic and North seas meet but they do not merge.
Then there was our mid-term camp at the same time as the arrival camp.
Playing ninja while waiting for the bus |
Beautiful lovely people |
Iara stole my flag |
Sweet Punch |
We're exchange students, we love to hug |
Then I had a hygge dag to meet my newbies and talk a lot and answer a bunch of questions about everything. We walked 10km and played soft ball and ate dough on sticks. That was a lot of fun!
We had a diner all together were we had to cook something typical from our country, I made Pâté Chinois :)
If you want to know, that's what an international plate look like |
I started to babysit at a neighbor's house, they have three boys and they are 3, 4 and 12 years old. I realized that I really miss to be with younger kids. Fact is that in my family here, all the children are 10y/o and up, and in my family in Canada most of the children are 10y/o and less. So I really enjoy to play with LEGO and build houses and read Peter Pan... all of this in danish!
I went to Lemvig to visit Maddison for a weekend and we did the Ice Bucket Challenge together, other than that, we talked a lot as always and went to the sea.
Selfie post-challenge |
Purple mask yo |
There's a rainbow |
I miss you my friend <3 |
Three of my exchange student friends came for a mini exchange in Vejle and so I was their tour guide. We had such a good time traveling around together, I miss this week so much!
With sweet Iara |
Victor, Marcos and Iara |
We were in Jelling, but the viking museum was closed, so we took pictures with the stones |
Hold keft <3 |
Then we headed to Kolding where we met with Caleb |
and went to Koldinghus, that's a castle/museum |
There was a wood bowling alley |
We had the chance to take part in a wedding <3 |
There was some pretty cool exhibition in Koldinghus, some art and design school students, or something like that.
Beyoncé dress :3 #BEYSUS |
And a Titanic scene |
Kolding |
So my friends bought a plastic bow and arrow and they started to play on the shopping street. Iara,Victor and me sat for about an hour while they were playing, I really love these kids.
Wut |
Oh and we dressed up in the museum! |
On Friday, I hosted a party for exchange students before my three friends went home. I didn't took many pictures but there is a selfie Nayeli and Nicoline took with my phone <3

I also had the chance to go on a mini exchange in Snedsted for a week (3hrs of train from where I live), there I went to school for three days, I spent one day in Aalborg (3rd biggest city in Denmark), one day in a Folkeskole(elementary school) to talk about Canada to seven different classes, I tried sailplane, I climbed in a tree and tried a giant swing and I went to a School fest. That was a great and busy week, my temporary host family was so so sweet and they took me to the sea.
Temporary danish class in Thisted |
Host dad and host sister :) |
It was actually cold |
It was actually windy |
Kinda the best bed ever, with Manuela |
We were at Cold Hawaii, a surf competition |
Folkeskole, answering questions about Canada and sometimes not about Canada |
Lovely friends, Alessandro(Italy), Loy(Thaï) and Manuela(Colombia) |
Aalborg |
Little viking museum |
That's also at Cold Hawaii |
sailplane wuuhuuu |
flat Denmark |
Because PIZZAAAAA! |
She rock the harness |
le Me climbing a tree |
<3 <3 <3 |
You should have seen her face when they took out this Colombian alcohol, priceless |
I made Pâté chinois again! |
I received my class picture and it's sooooo nice I LOVE IT!!!
And there are some random/super sejt pictures I want to share with you ^_^
Pre-party with some classmates :) |
On my bus ride to school |
Fredagscafe/Sprogcafe international meals and desserts YUM |
Omg I still can't believe she took a picture of that
I was playing Jesus in a play for my religion class.. |
So there you are sweet little thing! I hope you didn't fell asleep ;)
I have about two and a half months left in Denmark and that kinda break my heart, sometimes I feel really sad about it. But it's not done for now, I still have so much to do before going back "home"!
So much to come <3 Big love!!
Vi ses xxxxx